Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mandarin Immersion Class

Since we have back from China, Piper has been taking Chinese Immersion Class with Lana and Ruby. Piper is seeming to really warm up to her new buddies. After the last class, she was hysterically crying and screaming "I need Lana." She was so exhausted after the class that we went home for a nice LONG nap. I hope the girls stay friends for a long long time.

(p.s. sorry the post is a bit lack luster...I think I am having a crabby night.)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Frog Races at the WD Park

Harrison is such a great brother and while he has his typical 5 year old times, his ability to welcome Piper into our family has been amazing. He loves having a sister and I think even when she is bugging him, he loves that he is being bugged. Oh and when he talks sweet to her....ugggh, it just melts your heart. These pictures are when he let her ride his frog. As he said "Brother will go real slow so you don't fall off. Hold onto Brother."
This picture below shows Piper's typical surprise face. It is hilarious and she does it often.

The thrill is now wearing off for Harrison and he wants to race slowly. You can see his face transforming right before his sister gets the boot.

Piper trying to shimmy off and Harrison with a big grin that he is about to go fast.

Wait...still not off.

After Piper left the frog race, she decided to ham it up a bit with Harrison's Hulk hat. Actually a Piper Hulk hat would be quite fitting since she is not so delicate.

Piper looking a bit gangsta....

One of my favorite things to do on vacation was to walk to the neighborhood park. Taking the kids to any park reminds me of an absence of time. There is no rush to go anywhere, you are putting away all of your other obligations and just focusing on the kids. I think I envision that stay at home moms go to the park daily. Not a reality, but it is what I equate with being home with kids so when I get to do it I just love it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wild Dunes Playground Fun

We had the pleasure of spending the last 5 days at Wild Dunes on Isle of Palms, South Carolina. Being there made me so homesick for Charleston, where I lived for 5 years. It was great to see friends and family and so wonderful to spend time with the kids. I have a bunch of photos to post, so I will make several posts from our time at the beach.