Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Parker Packing to Leave

This was the first night that Parker was with us - Dec 20th. In between his screaming hysterics, he decided to pack to go home. After he got everything in his backpack, he went to the front door and screamed for Ma to come get him. He had to sleep that first night with his backpack on. The next night, he was holding it and tonight it is across the room and he has not looked for it. Progress!


Sharing Life and Love said...

I am sure this was not easy for all of you---but Parker is just so precious. The backpack story and photos is the best. Brian and I laughed at the thought of where his little mind was.

What a strong, stubborn little guy.

Life will not be boring.

So glad you woke up to laughter.

Special K said...

So sweet - it's so hard to watch them grieve. Micah slept with his shoes on for a whole month. I think he wanted to be ready to go anytime!

Sue said...

Yeah - progress!!! So sad that he has to go through this. But oh what joy when he realizes what wonderful parents he now has! And a jie jie! And a ge ge!!! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Our little girl wanted to keep her coat on all day and slept with her shoes on for the first three weeks home -- ready to go at any moment. Now, after six weeks she runs around the house barefoot. It can be so stressful for everyone, your family is in our prayers:)